Prowler Sled


There are numerous benefit of adding a prowler sled to your fitness training.

Strength Building - Pushing and pulling a sled uses multiple muscle groups, it’s a full body workout and when used as part of our structured training programme you will see significant strength gains over time.

Conditioning - training with the prowler sled is a great cardiovascular workout too and can improve your endurance, stamina and overall cardiovascular health. The high intensity nature of sled pushes and pulls can also help to improve aerobic capacity.

Functional Strength - pushing and pulling a sled mimics movements that we make during every day life. This translates to functional strength when performing daily activities.

Low-impact - unlike running or skipping, using a prowler sled is generally lower impact and puts less strain on the joints.

Improved Speed and Power - regular sled training can enhance speed and power. An ideal complement for sport and weightlifting.

Overall, prowler sled training is a highly effective and versatile method for improving strength, conditioning, and overall physical performance.

Made in Avonmouth, UK

There is a 3-4 week lead time on this product.

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There are numerous benefit of adding a prowler sled to your fitness training.

Strength Building - Pushing and pulling a sled uses multiple muscle groups, it’s a full body workout and when used as part of our structured training programme you will see significant strength gains over time.

Conditioning - training with the prowler sled is a great cardiovascular workout too and can improve your endurance, stamina and overall cardiovascular health. The high intensity nature of sled pushes and pulls can also help to improve aerobic capacity.

Functional Strength - pushing and pulling a sled mimics movements that we make during every day life. This translates to functional strength when performing daily activities.

Low-impact - unlike running or skipping, using a prowler sled is generally lower impact and puts less strain on the joints.

Improved Speed and Power - regular sled training can enhance speed and power. An ideal complement for sport and weightlifting.

Overall, prowler sled training is a highly effective and versatile method for improving strength, conditioning, and overall physical performance.

Made in Avonmouth, UK

There is a 3-4 week lead time on this product.

There are numerous benefit of adding a prowler sled to your fitness training.

Strength Building - Pushing and pulling a sled uses multiple muscle groups, it’s a full body workout and when used as part of our structured training programme you will see significant strength gains over time.

Conditioning - training with the prowler sled is a great cardiovascular workout too and can improve your endurance, stamina and overall cardiovascular health. The high intensity nature of sled pushes and pulls can also help to improve aerobic capacity.

Functional Strength - pushing and pulling a sled mimics movements that we make during every day life. This translates to functional strength when performing daily activities.

Low-impact - unlike running or skipping, using a prowler sled is generally lower impact and puts less strain on the joints.

Improved Speed and Power - regular sled training can enhance speed and power. An ideal complement for sport and weightlifting.

Overall, prowler sled training is a highly effective and versatile method for improving strength, conditioning, and overall physical performance.

Made in Avonmouth, UK

There is a 3-4 week lead time on this product.